Sermon Notes

What are Sermon Notes?

Below is an outline for the sermon preached on Sunday morning. Accessing these notes allows you to take the sermon home with you. Feel free to add your own notes!

At the end of the sermon you can email yourself those notes from that day.

We hope this is a helpful resource for you as you dive deeper into the Scriptures and the messages preached at New Life Church.

Encounters: Refocusing

Text: Luke 10:38-42

Big Idea: Out of love, Jesus refocuses our attitudes and priorities


  • Distracted, worried, upset - words from this familiar story
  • Luke 10:38-42

Out of love, Jesus refocuses us

  •  v.38-42
  • Jesus' tone
  • John 11:5
  • It is out of love, Jesus corrects and refocuses

Jesus refocuses our attitudes

  • v.40-41
  • Jesus refocuses our attitudes

Jesus refocuses our priorities

  •  v.42
  • v.39
  • Jesus refocuses our priorities


  • Out of love, Jesus refocuses our attitudes and priorities